Privacy Policy


Ai  Article. 13 EU Regulation 2016/679 and in relation to information that you will possess, for the protection of people and other subjects concerning the processing of personal data, Yes  informs you that:

1. Purpose of Processing: the data you supplied will be used for the purpose and for the purpose of carrying out the shipment of products ordered, or reservation of products and services to be received at our facilities;

2. mode of Treatment: the ways in which the data will be processed  contemplate conservation at the data centers of Aruba SPA, and the immediate deletion of the user’s request, as indicated  that follow;

3. Data Assignment: the provision of data for the purposes referred to in point 1 They are required to complete the order and the eventual refusal involves not acceptance of the order.

4. Communication and dissemination of data: the data provided will not be subject neither to notice nor to spread

5. Data Controller: The holder of personal data is Giovanni Fruscio, HQ in Viale Ratto Delle Sabine, 41 – 00131 Roma

6. Transfer of data abroad. The personal data may be transferred to EU countries and to countries outside the European Union for the purposes of point 1.

7. rights concerned: everytime, the customer can exercise, under  Articles by 15 al 22 of the EU Regulation. 2016/679, the right of:
a) ask for confirmation of the existence or otherwise of their personal data;
b) get the information about the purpose of the treatment, categories  policy, the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the  personal data have been or will be communicated and, When possible, the retention period;
c) obtain the correction and deletion of data;
d) obtain the limitation of the treatment;
e) obtain data portability, ie receive them from a holder treatment, in a structured format, common and readable use by automatic device, and send it to another holder unimpeded treatment;
f) object to the processing at any time and also in the case of treatment for direct marketing purposes;
g) oppose an automated decision-making process relating to natural persons, including profiling;
h) ask the data controller to access personal data and correction or cancellation of the same or limitation of relating to him or to object to their treatment, in addition to  right to data portability;
i) revoke your consent at any time without affecting the legality of the treatment based the consent given before the revocation;
j) submit a complaint to a supervisory authority.
can he  exercise your rights with sent written request to mailing of the registered office or by mailing

Continuing  to access the services provided by the website after registering, the signed / a implicitly acknowledge that you have read and received the above information.

With regard to the legislation in GDPR effective from 25 May 2018, please visit the website